From the Desks of Sharpe Consultants: Creative Ways to Say “Thank You” | Sharpe Group
Posted November 12th, 2024

From the Desks of Sharpe Consultants: Creative Ways to Say “Thank You”

While it’s important to thank your donors for every gift, whether large or small, a special “thank you” can lead to the deepening of a relationship (and, perhaps, expanded giving). Here are a few suggestions from Sharpe consultants that you may not have thought of:


Kristin Croone:

Universally, an “experience” far outweighs a tangible token of thanks. The experience can be one of either exclusivity or early access.

Exclusivity could mean an invitation to a donor’s lounge at large events, preferred seating, a behind-the-scenes look at a university’s lab or a private lecture by a distinguished professor. One of the most exciting exclusive events I’ve seen is the opportunity to be on the football field and catch (or try to catch) passes from the school’s quarterback.

Early access could mean a tour of a new building or facilities before the public grand opening or a donor’s cocktail party to view a new exhibit prior to opening.

Kristin Croone, JD, is a senior consultant who assists her clients with estate settlement as well as provides advice and develops strategies for successful gift planning programs. Connect with Kristin at or via LinkedIn.

Julie Schuldner:

Video messages from beneficiaries who are directly impacted by a donor’s generosity are a great way to show appreciation. Videos can easily be recorded on a phone and texted or emailed to a donor. In addition to a heartfelt thank you, the video can also share updates and include messages of appreciation from the staff and senior leadership, making it more personal and engaging. Remember, amateur video is better than no video at all!

Create a hardcover or digital photo book for your larger donors that is personalized with letters and pictures of individuals who were affected by their generosity. Beneficiaries can handwrite letters that can be scanned along with photos to make the book more personal.

Sharpe Group Consultant Julie SchuldnerJulie Schuldner,  MBA, CFRE, is a Sharpe Group senior consultant who works with charities of all sizes and missions to develop effective gift planning programs. You can connect with Julie at or via LinkedIn.

Joe Chickey:

Handwritten notes on nice stationery sent to your best donors are still incredibly successful. Your older donors really appreciate a personal touch and look forward to receiving mail from the post office.

Many charities send Christmas/holiday cards and birthday cards … maybe try Thanksgiving cards this year!

Joe Chickey, MBA, CFP®, is a senior vice president and senior consultant who has trained hundreds of gift planning professionals. You can connect with Joe at or via LinkedIn.

Learn from Sharpe Consultants at the Sharpe Charitable Giving SUMMIT, Jan. 13-15, 2025, in Orlando. Click here for more information.


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