January 2020 | Sharpe Group
Sharpe Blog

Archive for January, 2020

A Bit More on the SECURE Act

Some information you may find helpful. First, for individuals who attain 70.5 years of age after 2019, the age at which RMDs must begin is raised to age 72. Age 70.5 continues to be the age at which QCDs (so-called IRA rollover gifts to charity) can begin to be made…but for individuals who haven’t reached …Read More

The SECURE Act: A Good Gift Planning Opportunity?

Author note: This is an opinion piece. Feel free to disagree.   At the CGP national conference in New Orleans in October 2019, much discussion occurred in the Leadership session about the charitable gift planning opportunities under the SECURE Act, which was recently signed into law. The SECURE Act eliminates the stretch-out IRA for non-spouse …Read More

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