While it’s important to thank your donors for every gift, whether large or small, a special “thank you” can lead to the deepening of a relationship (and, perhaps, expanded giving). Here are a few suggestions from Sharpe consultants that you may not have thought of: Kristin Croone: Universally, an “experience” far outweighs a tangible …Read More
Dividing > Multiplying: The Benefits of Segmenting Your Audience
An important relationship skill is the ability to see people as individuals rather than stereotyping them according to certain traits. This is also a valuable skill for fundraisers when working with individual donors. As a general marketing tactic, however, this can be impossible. It’s knowing general traits (i.e., the demographic makeup of your donor database) …Read More
The Bucket List
Do you remember a couple of years ago when making a bucket list was a hot topic? When compiling my list, I included lofty ideas with a lesser chance of completion and some more achievable undertakings. One of the latter items was to go ziplining. I occasionally thought of my unfulfilled bucket list items, but …Read More
An Art and a Science—Crafting Compelling Donor Stories
Featuring compelling donor stories in your communications is one of the most critical strategies for engaging planned giving donors for your organization. These stories demonstrate your donors’ motivations for giving and show why your organization is so meaningful to their lives, thus inspiring others to say, “I can do that, too!” As noted in …Read More
Happy Birthday! Celebrate Your Donors
Even the most curmudgeonly among us can welcome and enjoy the thoughtfulness of a happy birthday message. Why? A quick Google search tells me: Remembering someone’s birthday makes them feel recognized, seen and valued. Receiving birthday wishes reinforces social bonds and a sense of belonging whether it’s from family, friends or colleagues. Birthdays often trigger …Read More
Notes From the CFO: The Real Impact of Planned Giving and Its Fit in Philanthropy
When it comes to ensuring a nonprofit’s sustainability, striking the right balance between funding short-term needs and long-term viability hinges on combining annual giving, major giving and planned giving fundraising into a cohesive strategy. Annual giving provides a steady stream of immediate income, yet its reliance on recurring gifts can present challenges in meeting more …Read More
An Opportunity To Engage at the CGP Conference
The homepage for the National Association for Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) annual conference includes a “Make the Case with the CGP Conference” letter template to demonstrate to leadership the value of attending. Potential attendees are encouraged to customize the letter “based on your specific goals and how you will make a return on investment (of …Read More
“Supersized” RMDs for 2024 May Lead to Record QCDs!
An RMD (required minimum distribution) is a mandatory withdrawal an IRA owner who is 73 or older must take. The RMD amount is based on the market value of the IRA account on the last day of the previous year. Because of the stock market high on 12.31.23 combined with further increases in the financial …Read More
Lead By Example: Why You Need To Have a Will or Living Trust NOW!
When we were in our 30s with two young children, my husband and I decided it was time to make a will. Our decision was based primarily on the fact that we thought it was vital to document guardianship of our sons in case we both died unexpectedly. During our first meeting with an estate …Read More
The (Not-So-) Secret Gift Planning Sauce
I am often asked, “What is the secret to planned giving success?” My answer is always this (and it’s not a secret): “Targeted and consistent print communications.” Fundraisers have never been—nor will they ever be—able to control their donor’s timing. Globally, we can stay abreast of economic and social changes—tax laws, stock market rallies and …Read More