Sharpe Index: State of Nonprofits in the Pandemic | Sharpe Group
Posted August 24th, 2020

Sharpe Index: State of Nonprofits in the Pandemic

You may be wondering if there is really a need for one more report during the pandemic. Though we are inundated with figures and graphs and charts and tables these days, we think there might be room for one more … one that comes directly from you and your peers and shares what life looks like today from a fundraiser’s perspective.

Sharpe Group recently conducted an anecdotal survey of nonprofit clients to see how they are faring in the current environment. The questions focused on fundraising and budget impacts and organizational changes as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

We collected responses from 91 organizations with a variety of missions for the “Sharpe Index: State of Nonprofits in the Pandemic.” This survey is not intended as a scientific study but rather to share anecdotal data about how nonprofits across the country have been impacted and how they are adjusting to these unusual circumstances we are in.

We believe these responses give a snapshot of what’s happening in the field and how organizations are adapting with an eye to the future. These are experiences shared by fundraisers for fundraisers. We hope you find the report illuminating.

Download the full report: Sharpe Index: State of Nonprofits in the Pandemic

Thanks to all our nonprofit partners for participating!
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