Sharpe Gift Planning Websites

As more and more of your older donors become “tech savvy,” it’s important to present gift planning opportunities alongside other ways to give. An easy-to-navigate and seamlessly integrated gift planning site can result in more and larger gifts.

A Sharpe gift planning website, written by technical experts, is a valuable donor communication tool and includes ways for your donors to compare scenarios and make gift planning decisions.


  • Mirrors your home site with your branding fonts, colors and mission photos.
  • Personalized content.
  • Mobile friendly.
  • Continual automatic updates.
  • Simple, streamlined navigation.
  • Illustrative calculations to show donors the value of their gifts.
  • Expertly written technical content in understandable language.
  • Search engine and SEO friendly.


  • Simplified “Gift Planning at a Glance” section.
  • Gift illustrations.
  • Option to highlight your gift planning publications and donor stories.
  • Links to helpful IRS information.

Reach out today for a demo!

gift planning website