Sharpe Group 3rd Party Planned Giving

When overall giving declines due to changes in the economy, most nonprofits will trim budgets to make up for the shortfall. However, in challenging times, mission or program needs increase. By making an ongoing commitment to a planned giving program, coupled with financial discipline to save for economic downturns, you are better prepared for economic fluctuations.
Investing in planned giving is the first step to achieving long-term financial stability for your organization. Take the strategic approach today by onboarding the 3PPG Service by Sharpe Group. Sharpe has the expertise, experience, tools, services, knowledge and passion to make your 3rd party planned giving program work for you.
How We Can Help
- Analyze your donor data file.
- Provide updates to your file if needed for donors 65+.
- Identify your best planned giving prospects.
- Develop a comprehensive donor communications plan (including unlimited usage of select offerings for print and digital purposes).
- Manage donor inquiries.
- Provide technical expertise to you and your donors for structuring planned gifts.
Monthly Planned Giving Cost
2,500 donors or less: $2500.
5,000 donors or less: $3500.
Step 1. Assess the Planned Giving potential: $2,500 to $3,750.
Step 2. Deliver and Discuss the Assessment Report.
Step 3. Negative ROI – Stop | Positive ROI – Go Forward or No Decision.