Connected or Disconnected? Engaging Your Donors | Sharpe Group
Posted April 12th, 2024

Connected or Disconnected? Engaging Your Donors

Connected phones

How many times have you left your donors a voicemail with no callback or sent an email with no response? As we seemingly become more connected through technology, are we becoming more disconnected on a personal level? Whatever the reason, it is certainly harder for fundraisers to connect with donors these days.

Consider this: Just like the rest of us, your donors are being bombarded with emails and texts from family, businesses, charities, etc., asking for a response. For even the most tech-savvy senior, this can be overwhelming.

So, what can you do?

The best approach to connecting with donors is to go back to basics:

  • Spend a few hours a week writing personal notes or sending your long-term donors a birthday or anniversary card.
  • Make those phone calls. If you get voicemail, don’t ask for a return call. Just say “Thank you” or “I’m thinking about you.”
  • Send an email but make it an e-card (holidays are the perfect time for this).
  • At year-end, mail them relevant gift information along with a personal note of thanks.
  • Make a goal to schedule personal visits. Though this may take some time to coordinate, there’s nothing better than face-to-face interaction to establish a relationship.

Keep in mind your long-term objective—staying top of mind with your donors. This back-to-basics approach worked long before there were smartphones and emails. There’s no reason it won’t still work today.

Sharpe Group Consultant Julie SchuldnerJulie Schuldner, MBA, CFRE®, is a Sharpe Group senior consultant. You can connect with Julie at or via LinkedIn.

Learn from Julie at the Sharpe Virtual Academy: Planned Giving #201—Skills To Acquire Major and Planned Gifts on April 17-18, 2024, or in person at the Advanced Gift Planning seminar in Chicago, May 14-15, 2024.

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