Star Wars fans will recognize these words from the opening scroll, before the dark side reveals itself. It can also have significance to those of us who are experienced and tenured marketing and development professionals. Impactful communication channels have evolved significantly since “a long time ago,” from classic print and broadcast to today’s highly segmented …Read More
5 Things To Consider Now for the 2022 Year-End Season
The final three months of the year are traditionally the busiest for fundraisers at charitable organizations, and now is the time to prepare. Many nonprofits receive between 30% and 40% of their yearly gift total during the final six to eight weeks of the year. Understanding how and why people choose to give at this …Read More
Tough Times for Education
Giving USA 2022: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the year 2021 found that giving to the education sector declined last year and that education was the only sector to have negative results. The figure dropped 2.8% to an estimated $70.79 billion for the year. This could be a one-year fluctuation, or it could be …Read More
Building Organizational Sustainability
Question: What is building organizational sustainability? What it really means is answered with a series of questions: How much does your organization have in reserves for bad times? Does your organization consider the reserves to be AS important as your mission? How do you measure reserves? How do you build reserves? Having the opportunity to …Read More
Understanding the Most Generous Time of Year
It’s no secret most charitable organizations receive a large percentage of their gifts in the final quarter of the year, with most gifts arriving in October and December. But simply knowing year-end is a popular time to give is not enough to ensure your organization receives its share. Understanding how and why people choose to …Read More
Good News for Gift Annuities!
For charitable organizations that offer gift annuities and the donors who love them, there is some good news in 2022. The American Council on Gift Annuities, which promotes responsible philanthropy and periodically reviews and adjusts recommended maximum rates for charitable gift annuities, has issued new suggested maximum rates for adoption, effective July 1. These rates …Read More
Securing a Better Retirement but Clouding Charitable Giving Incentives?
In late March, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bipartisan Securing a Strong Retirement Act (SECURE 2.0). Presently, the bill is under review in the Senate, and changes are possible. There are a number of provisions that may either make it to the finalized bill or be considered again by a future Congress. Here …Read More
The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions and Burdened by Registration Fees
The next issue of Sharpe Insights will examine the tax consequences of crowdfunding for donors, donees and charitable recipients in the article “The Future Is Here for Cryptocurrency!” A recent out-of-court settlement agreement between the state of Minnesota attorney general and an online crowdfunding organizer reminds solicitors and funders of significant non-tax risks. A Noble …Read More
The Reporting Requirements of Aiding Those in Need Have Expanded
The IRS’s recent fact sheet reminds crowdfunding solicitors of their reporting obligations under the Internal Revenue Code. Crowdfunding is a web-based method of soliciting contributions from large groups of people. The solicitors of the funds are either organizers on behalf of other people or the beneficiaries themselves. The technique often is employed to assist those …Read More
Connecting Through Mobile Messaging
Work and personal preferences are changing. These days we expect instant access and information to our interests and hobbies–from exercise tips and sports scores to social causes and work being done by our favorite nonprofits. Our means of communication has evolved from face-to-face meetings and phone calls on a landline into Zoom chats and ordering …Read More