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Are Charities and Financial Advisors at War?

Posted August 2nd, 2017

By Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. How charities and advisors can work together for the benefit of all. During a recent presentation to a group of educational fund development executives, a representative of a leading university made the following observation: “Nonprofits are at war with the financial world, and we are losing!” This, understandably, sparked a …Read More

Planning Your Year-End Fundraising Calendar

Posted August 2nd, 2017

As was reported in the July issue of Give & Take, several studies of philanthropic giving in 2016 reported what many fundraisers already knew from experience—that the last three months of the year are the busiest for fundraising. Why do people tend to give more at year-end? Many donors rush to make gifts before the …Read More

Lunch With Warren Buffett? Priceless.

Posted August 2nd, 2017

Or is it? As recently reported in The Wall Street Journal, the winning bid in the annual auction for a Power Lunch with billionaire investor Warren Buffett was $2.7 million. For the last 18 years, Buffett has annually auctioned off his time to raise funds for the San Francisco charity GLIDE, which provides food, healthcare …Read More

Moral and Ethical Quandaries in Charitable Giving

Posted August 2nd, 2017

By Jon Tidd, Esq. Working with a donor to structure a gift can often require more than gift planning knowledge; it sometimes involves using one’s moral compass. Ethics and charitable giving: Like trying to put your arms around a skyscraper, the subject is much too large and complex to easily comprehend. Consider the ethical dilemmas …Read More

What Happened to the “Wealth Effect”?

Posted July 7th, 2017

A decade ago, fundraisers could count on economic prosperity and the accompanying “Wealth Effect” to have a positive impact on charitable giving. This phenomenon led to record giving levels in 2006 and 2007, as both real estate and stock markets reached record highs. U.S. household net worth hit $66.5 trillion in 2007 but fell 15 …Read More

When Giving Away a Favorite Stock Is the Smartest Thing to Do

Posted July 7th, 2017

Last month we examined charitable giving strategies for donors who are nervous about the current stock market valuations and concerned that the bull market may be overdue for a correction. But what about donors who believe that economic growth and business/consumer-friendly tax reform will continue to drive the stock market to new heights? You may …Read More

Treat Your Donors Like Family

Posted July 7th, 2017

By Nancy Jeffers One of the bedrock principles in gift planning is stewardship. I recently attended a gift planning conference in New York where I was reminded of the profound impact Sharpe Group has had over its 54-year history. The opening speaker at the conference has been a friend of ours for many years. When …Read More

What’s Up With Giving?

Posted July 7th, 2017

Several newly released reports provide information on the state of charitable giving in America. Two widely followed reports, Giving USA 2017: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2016 and 2016 Voluntary Support of Education, both reported record levels of charitable giving last year. A closer look reveals a few surprises. Giving USA Results …Read More

“Prime Time” for Gifts of Securities?

Posted June 1st, 2017

With stock market indices reaching record highs in 2017, ironically some donors may feel somewhat insecure and could benefit from considering ways to “give out of the market.” What a difference 10 years can make. In 2007, the real estate and stock markets were booming and the Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked at over 14,000. …Read More

Surge of the Centenarians

Posted June 1st, 2017

A successful gift planning program requires a knowledge of the age profile of donors, enabling an organization to reach the right people with the right messages at the right time. Because those who are more likely to make the ultimate gift of a lifetime are generally among the oldest in your donor database, it’s beneficial …Read More

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