With the new year fast approaching and bringing a new administration to the White House, there are a lot of questions about what that will mean for the nonprofit sector. We can all agree that change is inevitable, so it’s more important than ever to focus on what has been proven to work for gift planners in the past.
- Stay ahead of 2025 tax updates with pocket guides for advisors and donors.
- Add to your planned giving pipeline by sending a short custom donor survey. A Sharpe editor can create the right messaging to help you discover new prospects.
- Make sure your donor data is in good shape (update age, wealth, address, deceased, etc.) for a better use of budget dollars.
- Invest in your staff with training. There are multiple options. Join us in person one of our two- or three-day seminars. (Come to Orlando in January and schedule some donor calls on the front or back end.) You can stay in your office and attend virtually or you can have a Sharpe consultant create a custom training program for your staff & board.
- Stay in the know. Sign up to receive information about special complimentary Sharpe webinars and timely industry insights from our consultants.