Footnotes for Gift Planners | Sharpe Group
Posted March 1st, 2000

Footnotes for Gift Planners

Preparing for memorial gifts

Are you prepared for the upcoming memorial gifts season? The spring months offer a number of opportunities to pay tribute to someone special–Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, and several religious holidays. Now is the time to communicate with your donors about the many rewards of memorial giving–for donors, honorees and their families, as well as charitable organizations and institutions.

Sharpe offers a publication specifically designed to assist you with your memorial gift communication efforts. The newly updated six-panel brochure “Giving Through Living Memorials” explains how to make memorial and tribute gifts in a variety of ways. For example, readers learn about using cash, appreciated securities, and other assets to complete their gifts in honor of or in tribute to special loved ones.

Use this brochure to supplement a broader mailing to donors, as a gift acknowledgment, or as an informational piece at donor events. It contains a convenient and cost-effective perforated reply panel that allows your donors to request further information about memorial gifts or other types of gifts that interest them.

“Giving Through Living Memorials” is available in three attractive designs. Your organization’s logo and pertinent information may be added on the cover and reply panel as well.

For more information or to place an order for memorial giving publications, call 1-800-238-3253.

New option for newsletter users

Sharpe has just added a new group of newsletters to our collection of publications. If your organization uses newsletters as part of its gift planning communication efforts, you may want to consider new alternatives.

Featuring new design elements and updated, concise articles, each newsletter is attractive and easy to read with subject matter designed to address a broad range of gift planning opportunities for donors of various ages and wealth levels. In addition, each newsletter title is offered in a choice of a number of formats designed to complement various types of missions.

If you would like more information about Sharpe newsletter options, please call 1-800-238-3253 or e-mail

Planning for after April 15

The period just after tax filing season is one when donors may be particularly receptive to learning about ways they can reduce their future tax bills. Consider sending them “Your Guide to Effective Giving in 2000.” This publication is designed as a helpful service to donors that explains wise ways to make the most of their charitable gifts this year.

To order “Your Guide to Effective Giving in 2000”, call 1-800-238-3253.

The publisher of Sharpe Insights is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of your own counsel should be obtained. Articles in Sharpe Insights may generally be reprinted for distribution to board members and staff of nonprofit institutions and other non-donor groups. Proper credit must be given. Call for details.

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