Help Your Donors Understand the Value of Noncash Gifts | Sharpe Group
Posted March 1st, 2016

Help Your Donors Understand the Value of Noncash Gifts

Are your donors aware of the benefits of making noncash gifts? Many are surprised to learn that by making noncash gifts instead of cash they may be able to give more, maximize tax savings and possibly generate an income stream for themselves or loved ones.

bookletsSharpe has proven effective donor communication materials you can use to educate your donors about giving securities, real estate and other noncash property.

  • Giving Securities – Addresses gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other securities—the most common forms for noncash gifts.
  • Giving Real Estate – Emphasizes the many gift opportunities open to those who own highly appreciated real property.
  • Giving Through Life Insurance – Help donors understand how life insurance can be used to make larger gifts now and in the future.
  • Giving Through Retirement Plans – Help donors understand the many ways that retirement plans can be used to make meaningful gifts. Special emphasis on gifts directly from IRAs for older donors.

Click here for details about these booklets and how to order them.

Stock your gift planning library

Sharpe offers a complete library of gift planning booklets that are professionally written and designed to inform, educate and motivate your donors about some of the most popular and effective ways to make charitable gifts. Created by the industry’s most experienced team of writers, gift planners, graphic designers and technical experts, these booklets are excellent ways to provide additional information to interested donors and advisors and promote various gift planning tools in targeted communications. Many booklets also include technical advisory sections that feature additional information to help advisors assist their clients in the gift planning process.

Personalize your booklets by including your organization’s contact information and logo on the front and/or back cover. If you are interested in additional customization of graphics and/or content, ask a Sharpe Group representative.

Sharpe staff members can use their extensive experience to help you determine which booklets would be most useful for your program and can help answer the questions your donors are most likely to have. Call 901.680.5300 to speak to a representative. You may order any of these booklets directly online by clicking here.


What Kinds of Property Has Your Organization Received as Gifts?

Do you have an interesting story to tell us about gifts of property to your organization? Share your story with us and tell us how we can make our Give & Take publication better by clicking here or by calling 901.680.5300.

The publisher of Sharpe Insights is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of your own counsel should be obtained. Articles in Sharpe Insights may generally be reprinted for distribution to board members and staff of nonprofit institutions and other non-donor groups. Proper credit must be given. Call for details.

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