Test Your Year-End Marketing Knowledge | Sharpe Group
Posted April 28th, 2023

Test Your Year-End Marketing Knowledge

By John Ryan

The art of planned gift marketing can best be described as determining how to communicate with your donors in the most appropriate manner at the most opportune time. Popular communication methods include using print, digital, text and even video to show your donors how their gifts make an impact.

Take the following quiz to see how much you know about year-end marketing as you prepare your strategy.

1. When Do Most People Give?
The most generous time of the year in terms of giving is:
A. The start of the new year.
B. Just after the tax season.
C. The final quarter of the calendar year.
D. None of the above.

2. A Good Time for a Tune-Up
The fall and year-end are prudent times to begin fine-tuning your marketing plans. Among the many ways of doing so are:
A. Creating a marketing calendar that includes schedules for direct mail, events and digital strategies.
B. Targeting donors who are likely non-itemizers with ideas on smart ways to make gifts by bunching, boosting or bypassing itemized deductions.
C. Promoting gifts from donor advised funds, family foundations and closely held businesses among your more affluent donors.
D. All of the above.

3. Using Communications Wisely
Nearly as important as the content of your year-end communications is knowing the best ways to use your printed materials. They are:
A. As inclusions with your year-end appeal letter.
B. As handouts at seminars or special events.
C. As “leave behind” pieces following personal visits with donors.
D. All of the above.

4. Days of Giving
Given the importance of year-end giving, several national events have been established to help nonprofits encourage year-end gifts. Among these important dates are:
A. U.S. National Philanthropy Day: Celebrated annually on Nov. 15, this is a day set aside to bring attention to volunteers and donors.
B. #GivingTuesday: The Tuesday immediately following Black Friday and Cyber Monday. #GivingTuesday inspires people to give, collaborate and celebrate generosity.
C. Year-End Day: Recognized on Dec. 31, this day not only marks the charitable giving deadline for millions of taxpayers, but it is also a popular day for making online and direct mail gifts.
D. All of the above.

How did you do?
The answers to questions in this article are: 1.) C., 2.) D., 3.) D., 4.) D.


We’ve Got You Covered

Use Sharpe’s online platform to create and order printed year-end brochures, booklets or pocket guides. Click here to learn more. ■


John Ryan is a senior editor for Sharpe Group based in Chicago. He creates highly customized print and digital marketing materials for Sharpe Group clients.




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The publisher of Sharpe Insights is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of your own counsel should be obtained. Articles in Sharpe Insights may generally be reprinted for distribution to board members and staff of nonprofit institutions and other non-donor groups. Proper credit must be given. Call for details.

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