Welcoming New Team Members | Sharpe Group
Posted November 7th, 2022

Welcoming New Team Members

Matt Czyl is a senior consultant with Sharpe Group. He brings over 30 years of development, consulting and marketing experience. Matt is active in his community. He volunteers for various organizations and leads a justice ministry at his church. He looks forward to bringing his skills and successes to nonprofit organizations and foundations to help them achieve their fundraising goals and ensure their sustained success.

Sharpe Insights: Why did you choose a career in nonprofit fundraising?

Matt Czyl: I spent 30-plus years in the for-profit world. I worked in business development, marketing and consulting. At this point in my life and career, I want my experience and efforts to contribute to the greater good and to help those organizations that have worthy causes. I want that to be my impact and legacy for the remainder of my career.

Sharpe Insights: What attracted you to Sharpe Group?

Matt Czyl: I was a consultant for many years. Working with Sharpe engages my experience and success in the forprofit world. I wanted to expand my service and volunteer work to help as many organizations as I can. And everyone who works for Sharpe is passionate about serving the nonprofit community.

Sharpe Insights: Favorite material possessions?

Matt Czyl: I grew up on the south side of Chicago, so I’m a lifelong White Sox fan—I have ticket stubs from the last game at the old Comiskey Park and the first game at the new Comiskey Park. To this day, I keep the stubs in a plastic display casing, and while they’re not very “material,” they are very valuable to me!

Sharp Insights: Finally, what charitable causes and missions are important to you?

Matt Czyl: I’m passionate about social justice issues, organizations that serve veterans, animal rights and foster service organizations, food insecurity and many other missions that help those less fortunate than ourselves. My spiritual nature moves me to serve my church and our local communities and organizations. Unfortunately, the need never goes away. We must continue to do the work: to help people and ensure our communities, our nation and our earth become sustainable, just and strive for the greater good.

Donald Hale serves as a senior consultant working with higher education, faithbased organizations and other nonprofits. Prior to joining the Sharpe team, he was a member of the philanthropy and alumni engagement teams at the University of Florida, Rollins College, the University of Central Florida, the University of South Carolina and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Donald lives in Central Florida with his wife Stacy and their two children.

Sharpe Insights: With your experience and expertise, you must be a highly sought-after consultant. What attracted you to Sharpe Group?

Donald Hale: Two things: First, I have a tremendous amount of respect for what Robert Jr. accomplished during his career. During his CGP or CASE conference presentations, I remember thinking, “He’s the smartest person in the room.” Second, I am excited for the opportunity to work with Sharpe’s president and CEO, Eric Eilertsen. Eric has the skill set to bring the technology relied on in the profit sector and repurpose these tools for the benefit of nonprofits.

Sharpe Insights: What products and services does Sharpe offer that you are most excited about?

Donald Hale: Blending our traditional tools for custom and stock printing with digital tools to enhance data and create new channels for clients to engage their current and prospective donors. I am also looking forward to refreshing our programs during online academies and in-person seminars.

Sharpe Insights: If you were banished to a desert island and could only bring one book, what would it be?

Donald Hale: I would bring “How to Build a Boat When You Are Banished to a Desert Island.”

Sharpe Insights: If you were to choose a different career path in life, what would it be?

Donald Hale: If I was not a senior consultant with Sharpe Group, I think I would enjoy serving in public office with a high-octane commitment to service and a low tolerance for shenanigans. ■

Grant Miller is an editor, working with clients to create custom printed and digital communications. He has authored Sharpe Group blogs and is a contributor to Sharpe Insights.

The publisher of Sharpe Insights is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of your own counsel should be obtained. Articles in Sharpe Insights may generally be reprinted for distribution to board members and staff of nonprofit institutions and other non-donor groups. Proper credit must be given. Call for details.

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