Gifts of Securities: How to Motivate Donors to Make These Gifts | Sharpe Group
Posted September 6th, 2016

Gifts of Securities: How to Motivate Donors to Make These Gifts

Gift planners know about the special tax benefits of giving securities instead of cash, particularly for gifts of relatively larger amounts, perhaps $1,000 or more. However, many donors don’t fully understand the why and how of stock gifts.

310To educate your donors, consider sending donors with a history of larger gifts information such as Sharpe’s Giving Securities booklet. Attach your business card and a note thanking them for past support.

In your note, let donors know that you are seeing gifts of securities instead of cash more often because of increased market values combined with additional tax benefits these gifts bring. Let them know you are enclosing a booklet that explains the benefits of securities gifts in clear and simple language. Encourage them to spend a few minutes reading through the booklet. Then thank them again for their past support and offer to assist them if they are interested in giving in this way.

Send your communication in first class mail without a specific gift request, reply card or reply envelope. You do not want donors to view this as a solicitation but instead as a purely educational message designed to provide a helpful and positive interaction. Time your communication so it arrives prior to Thanksgiving, the beginning of a time when many larger gift decisions are made.

As most organizations have a relatively small percentage of donors making larger gifts, you should be able to process this mailing in-house and at minimal cost. If possible, do it annually because, like all marketing, it takes time and repetition for messages to sink in.

Over time, this approach should generate more stock gifts and produce a great return from a small investment. ■

Click here for more information about Giving Securities or other Sharpe publications.

Encourage More Giving This Year-End

Year-End Giving Brochure CoversInforming donors about the benefits of securities gifts is just one of many year-end fundraising strategies. You can find other ideas, along with communication materials and a marketing calendar, in “Your Guide to Year-End Giving: The Most Generous Time of the Year,” a 30-page strategic guide to help you boost giving in the final months of 2016. This guide, delivered digitally, includes sample letters, marketing copy, a customizable flyer and more. It’s available for $295 or $195 when you purchase 1,000 or more year-end giving brochures.

Sharpe’s annual year-end giving brochures include five titles to choose from. You can personalize them with your organization’s contact information and logo on the front and/or back cover. If you prefer something more unique to your brand, ask a Sharpe Group representative about creating a customized version. ■

Click here for more information. Or contact us at 901.680.5300 or

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The publisher of Sharpe Insights is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of your own counsel should be obtained. Articles in Sharpe Insights may generally be reprinted for distribution to board members and staff of nonprofit institutions and other non-donor groups. Proper credit must be given. Call for details.

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