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Making the Most of Giving in 2019: A Year-End Checklist

Posted September 3rd, 2019

Traditionally, the final quarter of the calendar year is the most generous time of the year, but how will recent tax reform changes and a slowing economy impact donors, and what should you be doing to help them make the most of their charitable giving dollars this year…and next? Calendar year 2019 is shaping up …Read More

Year-End Fundraising Tools

Posted September 3rd, 2019

As the year-end season approaches, it is critical to reach out to your donors as they plan what kind of gifts they want to make before the end of the tax year. Informing your donors of mutually beneficial ways to give with tailored communications is key to maximizing your fundraising efforts during the final three …Read More

Philanthropy Puzzler: Remainder Interest in a Home or Farm

Posted September 3rd, 2019

  The “Philanthropy Puzzler” features gift questions fundraisers may encounter in the field, followed by solutions from our panel of experts. If you would like to send us your own “puzzler,” please email us at with “Philanthropy Puzzler” in the subject line. Philanthropy Puzzler Camille read an article in her alma mater’s alumni newsletter …Read More

Characteristics of Mature Gift Planning Programs

Posted September 3rd, 2019

The National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) undertook a survey of its members this spring, and President and CEO Michael Kenyon shared some preliminary findings that highlighted the differences between young and mature gift planning programs. The largest group of nonprofit survey respondents reported their organization has been involved in “planned giving” for 30 …Read More

Eleven Guidelines for Senior-Friendly Marketing Materials

Posted September 3rd, 2019

by John Jensen Designing printed pieces for older donors requires special thought and consideration. Regardless of the subject matter, the basic design rules and techniques remain. Design printed materials so they can be easily read by anyone, and then review them through the eyes of your primary prospect: a donor over age 70. Keep in …Read More

Philanthropy Puzzler: Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Posted July 8th, 2019

The “Philanthropy Puzzler” features gift questions fundraisers may encounter in the field, followed by solutions from our panel of experts. If you would like to send us your own “puzzler,” please email us at with “Philanthropy Puzzler” in the subject line. Philanthropy Puzzler Sara established a charitable remainder unitrust, naming herself as the sole …Read More

How Was Charitable Giving in 2018?

Posted July 8th, 2019

Several recent reports provide interesting insights into how charitable giving fared in 2018. Below is a summary of results reported by the Blackbaud Institute’s 2018 Charitable Giving Report, the Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) that was established by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at the Urban Institute, and …Read More

Important Dates for Year-End Fundraising

Posted July 8th, 2019

The final three months of the year are traditionally the busiest for fundraisers at charitable organizations, and now is the time to get ready to make the most of the year-end season. In light of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and the relatively new challenges and opportunities it presents, it is critical …Read More

Accelerating Bequests

Posted July 8th, 2019

Most bequest donors wish to give more now so they can witness the impact of their generosity during their lifetimes. Even high-interest and high-capacity donors sometimes have concerns that keep them from making larger gifts. They may fear they will outlive their money and become a burden on others or worry that unforeseen economic or …Read More

Bequest Boom Timing Clues

Posted July 8th, 2019

Has the fuse been lit for the Great Wealth Transfer? Remember all the talk about the looming great transfer of wealth? In the 1990s, it was predicted that at least $41 trillion in personal wealth would be transferred from one generation to another between 1998 and 2052. Now, two decades after that initial prediction, when …Read More

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