Time Is of the Essence | Sharpe Group
Posted November 28th, 2023

Time Is of the Essence

As someone who loves to cook, I often spend hours trying a new recipe. The time spent in the kitchen is well worth it because of my enjoyment of not only the process but also the outcome. There are instances, however, when I either don’t have the time or the expertise to produce a certain dish (homemade pasta, for example). In those instances, I leave it to the professionals.

As you begin planning 2024, why not make maximizing your valuable time a priority? Resolve to spend your hours cultivating relationships with donors who will ensure your program’s success rather than getting distracted with tasks and projects that, though important, can be left to others.

Here are three simple ways Sharpe Group can help:

1. Make it personal. Send a personalized brochure to your entire planned giving list, a personalized booklet to your top prospects and a personalized pocket guide to advisors in your area. Sharpe has easy-to-order publications on all planned giving subjects that you can “make your own” with your organization’s branding.

2. Tell a story. Well-written donor stories are one of the best ways to illustrate the power and impact of planned gifts. Sharpe’s experienced team of writers can interview your donors and write compelling stories about their motivations for making a planned gift.

3. Be consistent. Time has shown that consistency in planned giving marketing leads to success. Printed custom newsletters with a digital component sent two or three times a year are the ideal way to keep your organization top of mind with your planned giving donors. A Sharpe consultant can work with you to create a planned giving newsletter marketing plan that suits your budget. ■

Ashley McHugh is the content director for Sharpe Group. You can connect with Ashley at ashley.mchugh@sharpegroup.org or via LinkedIn.

The publisher of Sharpe Insights is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of your own counsel should be obtained. Articles in Sharpe Insights may generally be reprinted for distribution to board members and staff of nonprofit institutions and other non-donor groups. Proper credit must be given. Call for details.

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