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Sharpe Insights : A Message From the CEO

Posted January 29th, 2021

Change is never easy, and the passing of time makes change more difficult. Our founder, Bob Sharpe Sr., began a newsletter 53 years ago titled Give & Take, which was mailed quarterly and later on a monthly basis to thousands of fundraising professionals. Beginning in 2021, we are changing the name to Sharpe Insights. (As …Read More

It’s All in the Details: A Conversation With Lori Aratari, Rochester Regional Health

Posted November 19th, 2020

by Ainsley Willis Two of the keys to success in gift planning are building relationships with donors and then stewarding the relationships over the long term. First and foremost, understanding how—and when—to communicate with your donors is critical. Sharpe Group talked to Rochester Regional Health Development Officer Lori Aratari about how a simple act of …Read More

Know Your Donors

Posted November 19th, 2020

By Jana Lawyer Throughout Sharpe Group’s 50-plus-year history, we have found an underlying truth for the success of any fundraising program is to “know your donors.” Having information on your donors’ demographics, their giving history and their preferred means of communication enables you to strengthen your relationships and better identify the likely timing of gifts …Read More

Is It Time for a Checkup?

Posted November 19th, 2020

Using a Wholistic approach, we know how to structure a planned giving program and develop strategies based on our more than 50 years’ experience that help organizations raise large gifts. If you are beginning a planned giving program or your existing program needs a check-up, talk to us about a planned giving program audit. Our …Read More

Quality Over Quantity?

Posted November 19th, 2020

Sharpe Group has seen response rates from various gift planning mailing approaches over the years that range from 10% (and more) to one-tenth of 1% or less. In today’s competitive and budget-driven environment, the most important measurement is of the quality of response rather than the quantity. Any number of factors can influence the response …Read More

Sharpe Wholistic Solution: A Message From the CEO

Posted November 19th, 2020

This issue of Give & Take focuses on the diagram that depicts how we help charities and nonprofit organizations raise large gifts. It is named the Sharpe “Wholistic” Solution because it encompasses the entirety of the “what to do” for fundraising success. Sharpe Group is well known for seminar training, custom publications and planned giving …Read More

Timing Is Everything: The Planned Giving Program Audit and Review, Part 2

Posted September 16th, 2020

In Part 1 of this article, we outlined the reasons there has been an increased awareness in estate planning and planned giving and the importance of a planned giving audit for your organization. Here, we will explore how an audit can offer guidance on marketing, donor cultivation and communication and more. Staff considerations. An audit …Read More

The Wild Ride of 2020 Enters the Home Stretch

Posted September 16th, 2020

By Professor Christopher P. Woehrle, J.D., LL.M What a wild ride 2020 has been for our economy and especially investors! As of this writing, the S&P 500 has recovered most of its losses from a peak decline of 30%. The Federal Reserve Board is resolved to keep interest rates near zero for the foreseeable future. …Read More

Survey Results Illustrate the State of Nonprofits Across the Country

Posted September 16th, 2020

Sharpe Group recently conducted an anecdotal survey of nonprofit clients to see how they are faring in the current environment. The questions focused on fundraising and budget impacts and organizational changes due to the coronavirus pandemic. Sharpe collected responses from 91 organizations with a variety of missions. This survey is not intended as a scientific …Read More

Virtual Staff Training Is Key to Success in Gift Planning

Posted September 16th, 2020

By Grant Miller D’Arcy Steiner is the director of individual giving at World Food Program USA, where she oversees the individual giving team and manages a full portfolio of major gift donors and prospects. In July of this year, D’Arcy and her colleagues attended one of our virtual training events led by John Jensen, a …Read More

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